Tailored Software Training Courses

Train your Team to Work more Effectively

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Most popular Microsoft Training Courses

Microsoft Excel training

Excel is one of the world’s most used software programs due to its extreme versatility and power. There’s a lot more to the program than most people will ever realise and there’s a use for it no matter what you do.

Microsoft Word training

Don’t dismiss Word training, it can open your mind and make a huge difference to the way you work. Learning Word is not just about which buttons to press, but more about understanding the program’s capabilities.

Microsoft PowerPoint training

Microsoft PowerPoint is used for delivering on-screen presentations and is widely used by millions of people across the business world. PowerPoint’s innovative tools can help you make professional looking presentations quickly and easily.

Microsoft Teams training

With Microsoft Teams you can work effectively, and without interruption, to bring your colleagues together in one place. Stay organised and connected whilst developing and maintaining working as a group.

Work more proficiently - train your team & grow a more profitable business

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Visual studio

How we deliver our training

Live Online training

Attend a live online training session from the comfort of your own desk, be it at work or home. Book a place just for you or a course exclusively for your company. With this format of training you can still enjoy a tutor-led experience, which is engaging, practical and delegate focused. Numbers are kept small to ensure you receive the right attention and the best possible experience. Time and travel costs are reduced with this cost effective option.

Onsite training

We come to you, which can be anywhere in the country. This can be your usual place of work or you can choose a central location that works best for you and your colleagues. Choose a time that fits best with the schedule of you and your team. It’s live, practical and hands-on. We ensure you are fully engaged with the tutor. Courses can be tailored to your own content and requirements. All equipment can be provided, to include laptops with external keyboards and mice. It’s cost effective and convenient.

In-class training

We have a schedule of courses available running at our training location in Leamington Spa. These training sessions are live and tutor-led. We limit the numbers to 8 per session to be sure you receive the individual help and support you deserve. You can send one or more delegates, which is perfect if you only have one person to train or a team whose members need to attend at different times.

One-to-One training

If you have one person to train and they have specific business needs, we can design a course tailored to them. Alternatively, you may have a delegate who isn’t ready for group training or somebody who wants to work at their individual pace. One-to-one sessions are delegate led and delegate focused. We can look at your own work examples and build these into the training session.

Getting on the right course

Free of charge, we provide a training needs analysis, which will tell us more about your individual requirements. If required, courses can be tailored to meet your needs and extend your current level of knowledge.

We feel it's important that you receive your training with people who are at a similar level and we work hard to achieve this through our assessment process.

The benefits of training with us

Our training offers you the practical skills and confidence to use your software to its full potential

Training with us will give you access to experts who can answer questions and offer practical advice

All files used during the training will be given to you after the training to support and cement your learning

You will receive a copy of the manual to support the content of the course

Everybody who attends a training course will receive a certificate of training

Post course support

Who are the courses for

Anybody, regardless of your current knowledge or experience

We cater for absolute beginners who need to get started

We also cater for the intermediate and advanced users who want to extend their knowledge to discover new features and identify new and improved ways of working to help increase efficiency and productivity

Training can be organised for any number of people, whether it's for a large group or just for you

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Boost your confidence while enhancing your knowledge – Let’s get started now!

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